Projects worth sharing.

Smaller and bigger things I've had fun with. Many of them are open-source. Please open a PR or get in touch if you have feedback or ideas!

  • BogenGaudi

    Arrow Tag, delivered to your doorstep. Team events, birthdays and bachelor parties. If you like Paintball, youre going to love BogenGaudi!

  • phoenix_test_playwright

    Playwright driver (adapter) for PhoenixTest, a feature testing library. It allows you write integration tests for Phoenix web apps that use Javascript.

  • Clickr

    Designed to motivate: A student response system for schools. Transparency and immediate feedback both motivates students and assists teachers in grading. Elixir, LiveView, Zigbee.

  • Ultimate to Chordpro

    A small tool ❤️ by many: Convert chordsheets between Ultimate Guitar, ChordPro or Latex songs notation.

  • Hardening Applications with Intel SGX

    Master's thessis comparing trusted computing solutions, focusing on SGX.


  • phoenix-headlessui

    Putting Headless UI components in LiveView with react + web components.